


I just love kitesurfing and will take you on an epic journey around the world. To the coolest kitesurfing destinations and conditions. Enjoy watching my KEVVLOGs

The kite designer speaks

Reedin Co-Founder and Product Designer Damien Girardin introduces these Designer Talks where he provides in-depth explanations of all our products.

Wing Designer Talks

Reedin Co-Founder and Product Designer Damien Girardin introduces these Designer Talks where he provides in-depth explanations of all our products.

Reedin speaks

Our new series where we invite different people to talk about gear, riding and everything in between.

Reedin's tips

Our series of short videos with tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your Reedin products.

Team riders

Get to know our team riders! Where Reedin team riders from around the world meet in the sky. Enjoy the show!

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