Surf school

Varustuse demopäev.

Reedin brändi demopäevadel on hea võimalus tutvuda ja proovida kõige uuemat lohesurfi ja tiivasurfi varustust. Demopäevi korraldame üle terve Baltikumi, Eestis, Lätis ja Leedus. Täpsema info demopäevade kohta leiad meie facebooki või instagrami lehelt. Rannas näeme!

Lohesurfi ja tiivasurfi varustust saab testida ja rentida meie koostööpartnerite juurest.

Tallinn/Hiiumaa- Surfmaster surfikool.

Kontakt: Risto tel: +372 56686766 e-mail:

Pärnu – Surf`n Soul surfiklubi.

Kontakt: Karri tel: +372 55507605 e-mail:

Kitesurfing and wingsurfing training.

Soovid õppida lohesurfi või tiivasurfi? 

Meie koostööparnerid on Eestis:

Tallinn/Hiiumaa – Surfmaster surfikool.

Kontakt: Risto tel: +372 56686766 e-mail:

Pärnu – Surf`n Soul surfiklubi.

Kontakt: Karri tel: +372 55507605 e-mail:

Kitesurfing and wingsurfing equipment rental.

Lohesurfi komplekti surfilohe + twintip laua rent.

The best way to rent a high-quality freeride kitesurf kit for a few hours or for the whole day or even for several days. The set includes a kitesurf board of your choice 137×41/ 140×42/ 143×43 and a Surf Kite 5m2/ 7m2/ 8m2/ 9m2/ 10 m2/ 12m2/ 14m2 with pump and bar.

Hinnad: 1 tund kogu komplekt (lohe+poom+ laud+ trapets) 35 eur. Kuni 3 tundi (lohe+poom+ laud+ trapets) 60 eur. 1 päev (lohe+poom+ laud+ trapets) 80 eur.

When renting a kite separately: 1 hour kite rental with boom (select size) 20 eur. Up to 3 hours 35 eur. 1 day 50 euros

When renting a kite board separately: 1 hour kite rental with a boom (select size) 5 eur. Up to 3 hours 10 euros. 1 day 15 euros

Tiivasurfi komplekt + foil laua rent. 

The best way to rent a high-quality windsurfing kit for a few hours or for the whole day or even for several days. The set includes a 122 L foil board of your choice (suitable for an intermediate level rider). Foil with 75 cm mast and 1880 front wing. If you are a complete beginner, we recommend that you start practicing with a SUP board. Wings in size 2.8m2/ 3.6m2/ 4.7m2/ 6m2/ with pump.

Prices: 1 hour, the whole set (wing+foil board) 40 eur. Up to 3 hours (wing+foil table) 60 eur. 1 day (wing+foil board) 80 eur.

When renting a wing separately: 1 hour wing rental (select size) 20 eur. Up to 3 hours 30 eur. 1 day 40 euros

When renting a foil table separately: 1 hour foil table rental 30 eur. Up to 3 hours 40 eur. 1 day 50 euros

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