

Ikmēneša maksājums no 28.08 / 60 mēnesis


SKURD2300 Categories, ,


Supermodel jūtas kā daļa no jūsu ķermeņa. Tu vienmēr jūti, kur atrodas kaits un ko tas dara. Tas nozīmē, ka tu vari izbaudīt vislielāko prieku ūdenī un tikai koncentrēties uz saviem trikiem, viļņiem vai ko okeāns izlemj tev izmest.

Veids, kā kaits pagriežas un lido, nozīmē, ka tas ir ļoti daudzpusīgs . Tas dod lielu jaudu lecot uz augšu un palīdz tev katrā sesijā lekt masīvus lecienus. Ja viļņi parādas, vari paņemt sērfa dēli un braukt jebkāda veida viļņos. Atrodi mierīgu ūdeni tad dodies uz fristaila sesiju, kā arī viegla vēja folinga sesiju.

Neskatoties uz apstākļiem vai tavu braukšanas stilu, viss ir iespējams ar Supermodeli , kurš palīdzēs jums pacelt savu kaitbordingu uz nākamo līmeni.

Komplektā ietilpst pūķis, pūķa soma, remonta komplekts.

Sūknis un izlice nav iekļauti komplektācijā.

HTF: Hybrid Torsion Frame

HTF comes from analyzing how kites turn, and then using a combination of two different materials. Each with different characteristics, placed on sections of the frame where they fulfill different needs.

Stiff dacron

The center of the leading edge is made out of stiff dacron that has proven its stiffness for decades. By using it for the center section of the LE, SuperModel HTF kite keeps enormous stiffness and rigidity right where you want it, to keep it stable and prevent any collapsing in extremely overpowered conditions.


Our new FlexLite is made of a thinner, tighter yarn, that reacts quicker to pull and compression that happens in the material when a kite is steered. We’ve placed it on the sections of the frame that are key to making a kite turn.

Turning is key

When you steer your kite, torsion starts at the wing tip and propagates to the entire kite and Leading Edge. HTF is the result of analyzing how kites turn, and using our purposefully tuned FLEXLITE in those key areas. This allows for a much quicker response to steering input.


The second part of HTF is using FlexLite to build SuperModel’s struts. They allow the entire canopy to twist easier, translating your bar input straight into the canopy.


This makes SUPERMODEL HTF more responsive, turn faster, and have an even better finishing of the turns.

You will jump higher, and pull easier kiteloops with more confidence. It re-directs quicker while wave-riding, and generates more power in underpowered conditions. It truly benefits every aspect of kiting.


SuperModel HTF is designed with the goal to have it react and fly to perfection. The main focus is the way it performs, feels, turns, forgives, and is predictable, no matter if we are riding a twintip, a waveboard, or a foil. The end-goal is taking your riding to the next level and making your sessions more fun.

One key characteristic of SuperModel is how it swings out of the turns. This specifically will allow you to keep more flying speed in your kite to create more power, while staying very light. This means you can ride a smaller kite, and have more constant pull during your turns while riding waves, you will finish your kite loop with confidence, you will land your jumps smoother, and you will be able to steer your kite in marginal wind when riding underpowered on a foil.

Our unique profile provides incredible stability to make the kite super forgiving while delivering the most glide in jumps. Our Wingtip shape supplies instant response for quick turning to give great punch when sending a jump to easily get high quickly, because in the end, we all like to jump as high and long as possible.


4m2, 5m2, 6m2, 7m2, 8m2, 9m2, 10m2, 11m2, 12m2, 14m2, 16m2


Must, Sinine, Roheline

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