BIG E on palju rohkem kui lihtsalt suurem SuperE – see on omaette kerge tuule relv. E tähistab ikka veel “Lihtsat”, sest me usume kindlalt, et kaheotstarbeline laud peaks pakkuma sujuvat sõidukogemust, mis võimaldab teil keskenduda ainult oma oskuste täiustamisele. Iga selle laua muu aspekt on hoolikalt valmistatud, et valitseda kerge tuule tingimusi. BIG E-i kumerus ja rohke painduvus pakuvad märkimisväärset mugavust ja kindlat stabiilsust. BIG E on rohkem kui lihtsalt algaja laud. Selle kohanemisvõime paistab silma, pakkudes enneolematut sõidukogemust, mis on mugav ja äärmiselt kontrollitav. BIG E unikaalsed mõõtmed võimaldavad nihutatud ujukipositsiooni, suurendades haardumispinna ja efektiivse pikkuse. Laud leiab intuitiivselt haardumise ja kiiruse, pakkudes kohest ülesvoolu.
Laua komplekti kuulub laud ja käepide, uime set 4 tk.
Galda komplektā neietilpst kaklasaites.
BIG E is much more than an upsized SuperE— it’s a light wind weapon in
its own right. The E still signifies ‘Easy’, because we firmly believe that a
twintip should offer a seamless riding experience that lets you
concentrate purely on honing your skills. Every other facet of this board is
meticulously crafted to master lightwind conditions.
The perfect fusion of BIG E’s rocker and generous flex provides
remarkable comfort and reassuring stability.
Big E is more than just a beginner’s board. Its adaptability shines through,
offering an unparalleled riding experience that’s comfortable and
supremely controllable.
The Big E’s unique dimensions allow for an offset fin position, increasing
the grip’s surface area and effective length. The board intuitively finds grip
and speed, providing immediate upwind performance with playful
characteristics for a board this size.
Paulownia Wood core
Light, strong, responsive, sustainable.
Double glass stringer
Provides twist control, added stiffness and
quick flex response.
CarbonTorsion control
Perfect torsion of board for best handling
and comfort
Triax weave
Fiber type mix for the greatest board response.
Progressive flex
Profile of the board is specifically tapered to
provide the perfect flex repartition throughout the whole length of
the board
3d shape
Full concave bottom with triple concave channels with rail
edging channels for unmatched grip both in the tip area and
between your feet.
Rail edging channels
Unmatched grip between feet
Made in Poland
Years of Craftsman experience for the best quality
board possible.