SuperNatural SSD-l on lühem tiibade siruulatus, suurendades samas kandvarre pikkust, kuid lisades ka kaks küljetuged, mis võimaldavad tiibadel olla kastikujulisemad. See kuju on samuti ideaalne kergete tuulte sooritusvõime jaoks! Kasutamise lihtsustamiseks suurendasime tiibade kaldenurka, et hoida tiibade tipud veest eemal. Koos meie uute jäikade käepidemetega on need suured tiivad väga lihtsalt käsitsetavad ja absoluutsed kergemate tuulte sooritusvõime alal. Kuid see pole veel kõik! Kõik teavad, et kerged tuuled võivad kergesti tugevneda, seega oleme hoolitsenud selle eest, et kohandada tiiva katet ja profiili nii, et see oleks väga kontrollitav kõrgemates tuulekiirustes, nii et te ei pea muretsema tiibade vahetamise pärast, vaid saate jätkata sõitmist ja keskenduda sellele, mida armastate teha.
Į komplektą įeina sparnas, krepšys, remonto komplektas.
7.2 – 2.95 kg
8.2 – 3.2 kg
9.2 – 3.45 kg
SuperNatural SSD has a shorter wingspan by increasing the strut
length, but also by adding two side struts, which allow for more a
more boxed shape in the wingtips. This shape is also perfect for
lightwind performance! For added ease of use, we increased the
dihedral (arc) angle to keep the wingtips from touching the water.
Combined with our new rigid handles, these large wings are super
easy to handle, and absolute beasts in light wind performance.
But that’s not all! We all know that light winds can easily pick up,
so we made sure to tune the canopy and profile so that it stays
very controllable in higher windspeeds, so you don’t have to
worry about switching wings, but can keep on riding and focus on
what you love doing.
What’s new:
Aerolite frame
New High Tenacity Polyester LE and strut allow for a
better tensioned canopy, and even more rigid wing, with a drastic
weight reduction. Making SuperNatural one of the lightest wings with
rigid handles on the market.
ErgoCarbon Handle
front handle has one longer side for free-fly quick
access and keeping control of the wing’s angle of attack to match
finger’s shapes. Made with 100% prepreg carbon for unmatched strength
at only 60gr each.
New profile
for early starts and lofty jumps, combined with less twisted
winging tip for unmatched upwind performance
Reworked overall tension
Light weight soft battens
7.2 – 2.95 kg
8.2 – 3.2 kg
9.2 – 3.45 kg